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Education Portal Development



I have just one word for Sam, P-E-R-F-E-C-T. His job was flawless and he provided it well ahead of the deadline. i like you man. Sure have a lotta work for you in future!


SUPERB as allways I have worked with this company for a while now and time and time again he proves to be a valuable asset to my ventures, I consider sam to be friend and an excellent programmer nice work Sam, and thanks again 10 stars !!!!


Once again, great clean job. Great communication skills and hes highly patient!! A+++++++ for him!


Another nice job. Works hard to get your project done quickly and is quick to get any problems worked out.


Great work, will be using again in the near future, definatly reccomend Sam, great guy, good communication, work completed on time...

Online education is in its nascent stage but it is one of those sectors which have witnessed robust growth in the recent years. Online education has witnessed a spur in its demand due to the easy and wide distribution of internet facilities.

Below are some of the current trends in online education that are responsible for defining the future of the concept of online education:

  • Development of Hybrid Courses:
    Blended or hybrid courses which have been developed in the recent past. These are those courses which are characterized by a combination of both online as well as face-to-face interaction with teachers.
  • Value addition:
    Until a few years ago, online education was not considered as valuable as the offline or the regular degree but now things have changed. With the advent of numerous online degree and diploma courses from some of the most renowned universities like Harvard, Stanford and Oxford, online education has altogether got new dimensions.
  • Higher enrollment ratio:
    The enrollment ratio of brick and click of education is much more than that on brick and mortar. The growth rate of enrollment ratio in online education has been 21% as compared to 2% for traditional mode of education.
  • Emergence of better technology:
    Better technology is emerging with every passing day. Initially, online education consisted of only reading some text books online, but now they consist of a wide variety of tools like online chats, forums, discussions and virtual classrooms.
  • Development of Social Learning:
    Cloud based social learning will mark the future of online learning. Social networking will result in open class methodologies wherein the students can share the information freely over the internet.
  • Social Media becoming educational:
    Social Media has become a fundamental tool for learning. Through Learning Management Systems masses are being employed for educational services.

Online education is a developing trend but is surfacing in the industry in big ways but is still in its embryonic stage. Online education is bound to rise in the future and is not only going to stay but also grow in the years to come.
microinfosoft.comrealized the need of the current generation and is providing high quality industry oriented education through its certificate and degree courses. The certificate courses of EduKart cut across various fields like Digital Marketing (Certified by Internet and Mobile Authority of India), Programming Languages. Microinfosoft will provide a certificate on the successful completion of the course.

For more details about the courses visit our courses